How long could they resist?
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Ali Younesi and Amirhossein Moradi, in their twenties, saw their lives shattered in April 2020.
Arrested without a warrant, these two brilliant students, young gold and silver medalists at the Beijing World Astronomical and Astrophysical Olympics, are languishing in prison awaiting a constantly postponed trial.
Through beatings, isolation, refusal of treatment, their jailers try to extract confessions from them for charges punishable by death.
If they crack, it will be impossible to stop the judicial machine.
Hurry up. They are counting on us, we are counting on you.
For months, the teachers of their university have been engaged in trying to secure their release.
Let us help them denounce this arbitrary detention, symbolic of the repression exercised against students by successive Iranian regimes for more than 40 years (see in french here)
Let’s help them get these two promising young scientists out of their hell.
To give them your support, please do not forget to send your comment at the end of this post
Your messages will initially be relayed to Academia and Research, in France, Europe and Iran.
It is time for the Iranian government to understand that by sacrificing its intellectual and scientific succession, it is the future of the country that it is mortgaging.
We will keep you informed of further action and developments.
Find here, Amnesty International file + a PDF file
Espérons que la situation change … il y a tant d’injustice et de répression à tous les niveaux …